
Fitness Journey

Go With Your Flow: BOD Workout Calendar

This has been a work in progress for a LONG while now, and thankful to my Beachbody family for the push to get this done for you!

I really encourage you, if you are finding challenge with your results and you know the glaring B*TCH in the whole thing is your hormones - try out this format and see how you far!

You may have interest in getting on my WAITLIST for my Hormone Balancing Course that will be coming soon! This will be a full circle approach to match your nutrition with your cycle! I can ha…

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Will lifting heavy make me bulky?


Here's a big myth, and I just had to get this off my chest. You'll hear 945 different trainers, male & female alike, swear upside down and sideways, that lifting heavy WILL NOT build bulk in women. 🤔

And honestly drives me nuts! 🤬


A few things to consider when lifting heavy and whether or not YOU will build bulk:

* HORMONES: This is a big one and one that trainers don’t bring up with women. EVERY female has a different hormone structure - some carry more testosterone than others,…

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Workouts & Your Hormones

Does the type of workout you do really matter - during your hormone cycles?

Short answer - YES!

Now, whether you do anything about it, is up to you! But, hear me out, as not only do I work to teach you to become hormone adapted through nutrition (Eating for Energy), but tying your workouts to this process, could just open that holy grail for you!

Light bulb??! Read on....or hit the READY TO START button, and hang on sister, it's go-time!



Ok, back to it. Here's why being an advocate for your cycle …

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What is this Morning Meltdown 100?

Remember when there were 80 Day Obsession was released? And we all scratched our heads, started to freak out, saw people get amazing results, launched a release window just for coaches, and then jumped in with both feet?

Yup. Let's done it again - but for 100 days! You in?

The one thing that I love is that Beachbody is always creating new programs to keep my body from hitting a plateau.  I also get bored rather easily and I love to switch it up. So this is perfect timing for the Morning Meltdown p…

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3 Things Every Mom Needs to Know About Their Postpartum Body

You know what I love about Social Media, especially Instagram? You get to meet some really cool, like-minded people. I met Austyn (which, I LOVE how she spells her name) through Instagram (be sure to follow her on IG: Parachute_Mom, and was instantly attracted (not in a weird way) to her vibe, and once I got to reading her blog, she was TOTALLY someone I related with!!
So, Austyn and I got to talking and we collaborated on the idea to share one another’s strength, in talking about motherhood a…

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The Missing Piece In Losing Weight...

It's your Mindset...of course!

Where are my emotional eaters at?? What about people who hate being told that they CAN’T eat something?? Or maybe you’re just overwhelmed by all the different weight loss products and programs out there? Are you someone who just hates working out? Or maybe you like working out but you cannot seem to get a handle on the nutrition?

If you are someone who:
  • Loves eating out
  • Hates to cook
  • Eats takeout often
  • Is constantly “on a diet”
  • Is a weekday warrior
  • Beat…

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What The F... I am Gaining Weight!


If you are like the rest of us who started a new program or workout, you are probably stepping on the scale this morning and possibly thinking WTF! So let's address the elephant in the room. Program Weight Gain!

New Program Weight Gain

Ok let me start this by saying, gaining weight your first few weeks of a new program is rare! Now - please if you fall into this category don't think something is wrong with you - because you are totally normal! But across the board most people are seeing the sc…

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Belly Fat Burner - Moves That Really Work!

This belly fat burner will really push your limits! Break through the pain and melt away that stubborn belly fat!

REP SCHEME: Complete each exercise for 20 reps (10 each side for applicable movement) and each circuit 3-4 times.

Plank Knee Drivers

Starting in a standard plank position (you can modify to your knees if needed) pull right knee into the outside of your elbow. Extend fully back. Pull into chest, extend fully back. Pull across body to your opposite elbow, extend fully back.…

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Your Vegan Resources

I know a lot of you have seen me talk about this. Maybe thought about it? Or perhaps laughed at the idea (I mean, who doesn't love CHEESE!!). But why not TRY IT? See what our bodies could feel like removing some very WELL KNOWN sources to varying ailments that maybe we don't even know we have??

We are priming ourselves starting tomorrow (gradually removing meat, cheese & eggs from our diets) for a FULL 14-Day commitment starting Sept 11th.

Here's what I plan to provide those that do it with…

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